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Monday, October 26, 2009

Paper Patterns - Analog and EMC

Course is included upto "Heat Engine". Paper will contain numericals and theory. Numericals include those which Sir Jawad has taught in the class or of similar nature (i.e. their values might be different). Bring steam tables along with you, as they will not be provided to you during the exam.

Electric Machines (only for Sir Arsalan's portion)
The paper will not entirely be of numerical type, rather it may include some theory questions (short questions), labelled diagrams (three dimensional, with proper current and emf directions), derivations and certainly some numerical based questions (sample questions will be available at Star Photocopy). Syllabus includes everything Sir Arsalan has discussed in his lectures, but armature reaction and equations of torque (topic 8.5), taught in the last lecture to some sections, are not included. It will be upto power losses topic.

Analog Electronics
It will include 70% numerical portion and 30% theory ( from lecture notes...if you've made any! ;) ). You can also consult Bogart's book as a reference. Syllabus doesn't include common collector amplifier and FET amplifier (which was discussed in the last lecture of some sections). So, you've to prepare only upto common base amplifier.

Linear Algebra
The course is included upto Exercise 2.2. Sir Haroon Babri refused to tell the actual paper pattern, but it may have a flavor similar to Quiz 1.

(A message on behalf of section A's, B's, C's and D's CR)


Anonymous said...

Hi Buddyz
It will be really a favour if you upload ANE Assignement assigned by Dr.Tahir Izhar.
I hope you will upload it today.

Anonymous said...

hey guyzzzz...im confused about analog..the text book by bogart is entirely d/t with the lectures by the dr tahir,,,,can u tell me which book u are reading for the exam?...help me plz..?

Electrical 08' said...

@Anonymous 1: Desired assignment's been uploaded..

@Anonymous 2: We are primarily goin' through the lectures...Also Bogart's been given a light reading...don't worry, it'll be all right man!

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